Over the last year Intercast UK have been involved in some interested projects. Below are some examples:
The flywheels we have produced are cast iron, machined and then dynamically balanced before corrosion protection and grey overpaint.
From this first contract we were awarded a second large contract consisting of:
- Cast iron cradle which was sand cast using a resin sand.
- Crankshafts that were forged in a carbon steel AISI4140 and then machined, then precision ground along the bearing diameters. Weight approx 2.5 tonnes.
- Bearing bush is a bronze casting subsequently machined.
- Shaft is forged round bar turned to final sizes.
Final inspection will include a dry fit assembling crankshaft to its bearing bush and then adding to an aluminium cradle 3.5mt long and weighing 1050kg. Material is an aerospace aluminium 7075- . There are very few suppliers in the world that can handle this material.
Our large casting capacity is upwards of 120 tonnes and machining on the scale which some of the visuals demonstrate below.
Why not contact us today to discuss your next project, we will help make your subcontract needs that much easier.
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